Sunday 8 March 2015

March 8 Sunday Tombstone to Las Cruces

Time change, what time change? We couldn't figure out why our breakfast was not ready. Thinking that the proprietor slept in, we deposited our key and went to McDonald's for breakfast. When Carl asked about Daylight Savings Time he was met with an puzzled look which, led us to Google. It turns out most of Arizona does not observe DST.
The Patagonia Scenic Hwy (83) led us to Tombstone. Since the first gunfight at the OK Corral was scheduled for high noon, we killed some time at the historic courthouse before buying our tickets to the main event. The reenactment of the gunfight was really well done and we had fun. After this we strolled up and then down the main drag (Allen St) where an old town fashion show was taking place.

Buffalo burgers at the OK Cafe were for lunch. They were tasty and filling which was good because there was a four hour drive ahead of us to Las  Cruces. We rolled into our motel at 8 o'clock.

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