Tuesday 1 July 2014

Tuesday, July 1

Left our lovely b&b after a satisfying breakfast and headed for NORRIS POINT. Just outside Norris Point, we stopped at the Jenniex House lookout point. The view was definately worth the drive. Continuing on up the Viking Trail, the ocean was at our left and the mountains were on our right. We nipped into COW HEAD thinking about lunch and there it was, a cafe selling moose burgers. Carl jokingly asked the cashier if she had personally killed the moose and she replied that she had. She loves hunting and is apparently good at it. We ordered her burgers and enjoyed them immensely. In order to wear off some lunch we hiked 45 minutes along the Lighthouse trail. Further along the highway, we were diverted by Arches Provincial Park. Here, tidal action had eroded some huge rock formations. What a site! The landscape changed, becoming more barren. Trail of Ponds is a substantial river that salmon use for spawning. The travel guide said there was a 3 km hike to watch salmon jumping but again no salmon in sight. Well, at least we had another goid walk. Finally ariving at our b&b in PORT AU CHOIX, we settled in. Canada Day was celebrated with having huge bon fires on the beach, followed by fireworks down the cove. It was quite well done.

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