Thursday 3 July 2014

Thursday, July 3

The day began with a short drive to ST LUNAIRE where the Dark Tickle company makes jams, spreads, syrups and chocolates. We paid for a tour and the owner explained about the history of the business, gave us a boardwalk tour showing the different local berries habitat, and showed us how the jams are made by hand. Souvenir jars were purchased and we set off for L'anse aux Meadows Historic site. The key reason people drive to the top of the west coast is L'anse aux Meadows National Historic Park. Vikings have been documented to have lived here around 1000 AD. There are shallow indentations in the ground where the Viking encampment was. The Parks department has built a replica of one of their buildings and it comes complete with Vikings cooking dinner and sitting around inside. Was worth the drive. Of special note is the blackflies; they are very active right now and not particularly pleasant. Carl and I both are bitten up, especially around the hairline.

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